GRASSHOLE Best Sprinkler Head Protector

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How to Make Your Own Sprinkler Head Protector in 5 Easy-to-Follow Steps

How to Make Your Own Sprinkler Head Protector in 5 Easy-to-Follow Steps

Sprinkler head damage can be a consistent frustration for homeowners who take pride in their lawns. From the casual accident with a lawnmower to the curious pet, or even just wear and tear over time, maintaining your sprinkler system in top shape is crucial for a green, vibrant lawn. If you’re looking for a DIY solution to protect your sprinkler heads, you’re in the right place. We’ll guide you through the process of creating durable, concrete sprinkler head protectors in a few simple steps. This method offers an effective shield against common damages, ensuring your irrigation investment is well-protected.

Why is this important? Sprinkler heads play a pivotal role in lawn care and irrigation by evenly distributing water across your garden. Protecting them ensures your lawn stays lush and saves you from the hassle and cost of frequent replacements.

Quick Solution:
1. Gather materials (PVC pipe, concrete mix, and tools).
2. Prepare the mold with a PVC reducer and pipe.
3. Mix and pour concrete around the mold.
4. Allow to cure and remove the protector.
5. Install around your sprinkler heads for lasting protection.

This approach not only saves your sprinkler heads from potential damage but also adds a neat, professional look to your lawn. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or someone who takes pride in their home’s exterior appeal, this project is a satisfying weekend endeavor that pays off by safeguarding your irrigation system and enhancing the overall health of your lawn.

Detailed infographic about creating a DIY Sprinkler Head Protector: The infographic shows a visual step-by-step guide to making the protector, starting from preparing the mold, mixing the concrete, pouring it into the mold, curing, and finally installing the protector around the sprinkler head. Each step is accompanied by visual icons for the required tools and materials, such as PVC pipes, concrete mix, bucket, and adjustable hose clamps, as well as simple tips for success like ensuring the mold is well-oiled for easy removal. - sprinkler head protector diy infographic step-infographic-4-steps

Understanding Sprinkler Head Vulnerabilities

When considering the protection of your sprinkler heads, understand the common threats they face. These include:

  • Lawn Mowers: One of the most frequent causes of sprinkler head damage is lawn mowers. Whether it’s a push mower or a ride-on, the blades can clip the heads, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Vehicles: For sprinkler heads located near driveways or on the edge of streets, the weight of a vehicle running over them can crush or dislodge them.
  • Grass Blockage: Over time, grass and other debris can clog sprinkler heads, obstructing water flow and reducing the efficiency of your irrigation system.
  • Weather Conditions: Extreme temperatures, from freezing cold to scorching heat, can cause materials to expand and contract, potentially cracking or breaking sprinkler heads.

Lawn Mowers

A common tale of woe involves a homeowner or a lawn care professional accidentally mowing over a sprinkler head. The damage can range from a simple crack to complete obliteration of the head, necessitating a full replacement.


Sprinkler heads near driveways or roads are at risk of being crushed by vehicles. This is especially true for those that are not adequately marked or protected, leading to unexpected repair bills.

Grass Blockage

Over time, grass and debris can build up around and inside sprinkler heads, preventing them from popping up or distributing water evenly. This not only affects the health of your lawn but can also lead to increased maintenance to clean or unclog the heads.

Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions pose a significant threat to sprinkler heads. In winter, freezing temperatures can cause water inside the heads to freeze, expanding and potentially cracking the casing. Conversely, in hot conditions, the materials can become brittle and more susceptible to damage.

Understanding these vulnerabilities is the first step in effectively protecting your sprinkler heads. With this knowledge, you can take proactive measures to safeguard your irrigation system, ensuring it continues to operate efficiently for years to come. In the next sections, we’ll discuss how to create a durable and effective sprinkler head protector DIY, which will shield your sprinklers from these common hazards.

Materials and Tools Needed for DIY Sprinkler Head Protector

Creating a DIY sprinkler head protector is a straightforward project that can save you time and money while ensuring your lawn’s irrigation system stays in top shape. Here’s a simple list of materials and tools you’ll need to get started.


  • PVC Pipe: This will act as the main structure of your protector. Depending on the size of your sprinkler heads, you might need different diameters.
  • Concrete Mix: Quickrete or a similar ready-mix concrete is ideal for creating a sturdy base.
  • Portland Cement: For a smoother finish or if you’re making the mix from scratch.
  • Sand: If you’re opting to make your concrete mix, sand will be necessary.
  • Vegetable Oil: This will be used as a release agent to easily remove the protector from the mold.
  • Adjustable Hose Clamps: These will help keep your mold secure during the setting process.
  • Water: Necessary for mixing the concrete.


  • Bucket: For mixing the concrete.
  • Mixing Pan: Alternatively, a large pan can be used for mixing smaller quantities.
  • Spatula or Stick: For stirring the concrete mix.
  • Measuring Cup: To ensure the correct proportions of materials.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Design and Planning: Before you start, decide on the size and shape of your protector based on the sprinkler heads you wish to protect. Measure the height and diameter of your sprinkler heads to choose the right PVC pipe size.

  2. Preparing the Mold: Using the PVC pipe as a mold, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on the inside to act as a release agent. This makes the removal process easier once the concrete has set.

  3. Mixing the Concrete: In your bucket or mixing pan, combine the concrete mix with water according to the package instructions. If you’re making your mix from scratch, a general guideline is to use a 3:1 ratio of sand to Portland cement and adjust the water until you achieve a thick, but pourable, consistency.

  4. Pouring the Concrete: Fill the PVC pipe mold with your concrete mix, tapping the sides gently to remove air bubbles and ensure an even fill.

  5. Curing: Allow the concrete to cure as per the instructions on the concrete mix package. This usually takes at least 24 hours in a dry, warm environment.

  6. Mold Removal: Once the concrete has fully cured, remove the hose clamps and gently tap the PVC pipe to release the newly formed sprinkler head protector.

By following these steps and using the listed materials and tools, you’ll create a durable sprinkler head protector DIY that keeps your sprinkler heads safe from common hazards like lawn mowers and vehicles.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the installation and positioning of your DIY sprinkler head protector to ensure maximum protection and efficiency of your irrigation system.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Sprinkler Head Protector

Creating your own sprinkler head protector is a straightforward process that requires some preparation and patience. Let’s dive into the steps to ensure your sprinkler heads remain safe and functional.

Step 1: Design and Planning

First, decide on the reducer choice. A 4” to 2” PVC reducer works well for most sprinkler heads, providing ample protection while being easy to work with. PVC sizing is crucial; ensure the PVC pipe you choose fits snugly within the reducer to create an effective mold.

Mold creation involves selecting a durable and reusable material. PVC is preferred for its strength and ease of use. The goal is to create a protective donut that fits around your sprinkler head snugly but not too tight.

Step 2: Preparing the Mold

Sanding the inside of the reducer removes any rough edges, ensuring a smooth surface for your concrete. Cutting the PVC pipe to the correct length is crucial; it should be long enough to extend slightly above ground level when installed.

Clamping the mold securely is essential for preventing leaks when pouring the concrete. Use adjustable hose clamps to keep everything tight and in place.

Step 3: Mixing and Pouring the Concrete

The concrete ratio is vital for achieving the right consistency and strength. A mix of 1 part Portland cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel with water creates a strong and durable concrete. Adjust the water mixture to achieve a thick but pourable consistency.

Filling the mold requires careful pouring to avoid air pockets, which could weaken the structure. Tap the sides of the mold gently to settle the concrete and eliminate bubbles.

Step 4: Curing and Removing the Protector

Drying time is critical for concrete strength. Allow the concrete to cure for at least 24 hours in a cool, dry place. Longer curing times result in stronger protectors.

Mold removal should be done gently to avoid cracking. If you’ve used a PVC mold, it can often be reused for future projects.

Finishing touches include sanding any rough edges for a smooth finish and painting if desired for aesthetic purposes or to match your lawn décor.

Step 5: Installation and Positioning

Digging a small hole where the sprinkler head is located allows for the protector to be placed correctly. The hole should be slightly larger than the protector for easy installation.

Positioning the protector around the sprinkler head should be done carefully, ensuring it sits level with or slightly above ground level to prevent mower damage.

Backfilling the hole with soil secures the protector in place. Tamp the soil gently around the protector to ensure stability.

By following these steps and using simple tools, you’ll create a durable sprinkler head protector DIY that keeps your sprinkler heads safe from common hazards like lawn mowers and vehicles. This DIY project not only saves money but also offers a custom solution tailored to your lawn’s specific needs.

In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about sprinkler head protectors to help you tackle any challenges you might face during this DIY project.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sprinkler Head Protectors

When embarking on a sprinkler head protector DIY project, it’s natural to have questions. Here are answers to some of the most common queries to ensure your sprinkler heads stay safe and functional.

How do I protect my sprinkler heads from being run over?

Protecting your sprinkler heads from the wrath of lawn mowers and vehicles is crucial for their longevity. The DIY concrete donuts we discussed earlier are a robust solution. By encasing the sprinkler heads in these concrete protectors, you create a hard barrier that vehicles and mowers can’t easily damage. The key is to ensure the protector rises just above the sprinkler head, providing a shield without obstructing the spray.

How do I keep my grass from blocking my sprinkler heads?

Grass and debris can block your sprinkler heads, leading to uneven watering or damage. To prevent this, regular maintenance is essential. Trim the grass around the heads frequently to prevent overgrowth. Additionally, installing a protective barrier, like the PVC pipe method shared by Bob Riedel on Family Handyman, can help. By cutting a PVC pipe into 6-inch lengths and pushing it into the ground around the heads, you create a physical barrier that keeps grass at bay while allowing the sprinkler head to operate freely.

How do you cover a sprinkler head?

Covering a sprinkler head properly means providing protection without hindering its function. The sprinkler head protector DIY project we’ve outlined, involving the creation of concrete donuts, is an excellent way to cover and protect your sprinkler heads. These donuts act as a guard, preventing physical damage while leaving enough space for the sprinkler heads to pop up and retract without obstruction. For a simpler solution, commercial products like the GRASSHOLE Sprinkler Head Protector offer a ready-made option that fits over your sprinkler heads, offering protection from external forces.

In conclusion, protecting your sprinkler heads from damage and blockage is essential for maintaining a healthy, well-irrigated lawn. Whether you choose a DIY approach or opt for commercial products, ensuring your sprinkler heads are safeguarded will save you time and money in the long run. With the right tools and a bit of effort, you can keep your lawn looking its best while avoiding the common pitfalls of sprinkler system maintenance.


As we wrap up our guide on creating your own sprinkler head protector DIY, it’s important to remember the value of protecting your irrigation system. Whether you’ve followed our step-by-step guide to craft a durable protector or are considering other solutions, the ultimate goal remains the same: to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your sprinkler system.

At Grasshole System, we understand the challenges homeowners face in maintaining their lawns and gardens. Our commitment to helping you safeguard your sprinkler heads stems from a deep understanding of these challenges. By preventing damage from lawn mowers, vehicles, and other hazards, you not only save on costly repairs but also ensure your lawn receives the consistent watering it needs to thrive.

The health of your lawn significantly depends on the effectiveness of your irrigation system. A well-protected sprinkler head is more than just a piece of hardware; it’s an investment in the beauty and sustainability of your outdoor space.

Take action today to protect your sprinkler heads. Whether through a DIY approach with the guidance provided in this article or by exploring the solutions offered by Grasshole System, you’re taking a crucial step towards a healthier, more vibrant lawn.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to better lawn care. Your effort in creating or choosing a sprinkler head protector not only contributes to the well-being of your lawn but also reflects a commitment to efficient and responsible water use. Together, let’s make every drop count and keep our lawns looking their best.

For more information and solutions, visit our Grasshole System shop. Here’s to a thriving, beautiful lawn that stands the test of time and elements!